Semiosis of the body in Arab sexological literature

The aim of that communication is to study the influence of the Greek corpus on Arabic-Muslim semiotic thought through the Arab sexual literature. After providing a synthesis of possible semiotics of the body and its conditions, we will deal with the question of the semiosis of the body in sexual literature during two periods in the Arab-Islamic culture. The first period concerns the second century of the Hegira calendar (the Eighth Century A.D.)), a decisive period in the young and already powerful Arab-Islamic society. We will analyze different discourses on the body through Al Jahith’s works, especially in dealing with homosexuality, heterosexuality, and the opposition between black and white bodies. The second period constitutes an occasion for us to grasp the evolution of the semiosis of the body in a new period through Al Sayyuti, a specific writer and scholar of the sixteenth century. We will focus on Al Sayyuti’s new ideas on the body and his original references to the Greek corpus, but also to the traditions of the Qur’an and the Hadith. (Subtheme: Finis Africae Trajectories by Mohamed Bernoussi)
Temas y ejes de trabajo: 
Las historias de la semiótica: fundaciones y continuidades

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