
Displaying 481 - 500 of 711
Session Theme And Axes Languague Status
Ready for the Homeland - the Semiotic Dynamic of Dangerous Speech Semiotics and history, Transpositions and transmedia phenomena English Accepted
Realidad Aumentada: indicialidades al actuar en dos tipos de realidades Semiotics of visual, sound and audiovisual languages, Indexical semiotics (materialities, bodies, objects) Spanish Accepted
Reconciling the Notion of Agency in Biosemiotics and Enactivism Semiotics and biological sciences English Accepted
Reconstruction method of the macro sign INTEREST as the value domain of axioconceptosphere Semiotics and cognitive sciences English Accepted
Redefiniciones de la figura del analista en la semiótica argentina de los años 70 The histories of semiotics: foundations and continuities Spanish Accepted
Reescribir la historia a través de la mirada socio-cultural de la ficción ambientada en el pasado Semiotics and narratives studies, Semiotics of visual, sound and audiovisual languages Spanish Accepted
Reflexiones sobre La noche de la nostalgia o la nostalgia del sexo feliz. The articulations and confrontations between semiotic perspectives and research in communication, Indexical semiotics (materialities, bodies, objects) Spanish Accepted
Reflexiones transemióticas sobre un bosquejo de semiótica psicoanalítica Semiotics and Psychoanalysis Spanish Accepted
Reframing concept of place-lore through ecosemiotic theory Semiotics and anthropology, Semiotics of spatiality (geographies, territories, borders) English Accepted
Refugees humanitarian crisis: from aesthetics towards ethics The passages and interactions between verbal and non-verbal semiotics, Semiotics of visual, sound and audiovisual languages Portuguese Accepted
Reglamentos. Una aproximación a los concursos de artes visuales. Arts semiotics: times and territories Spanish Accepted
Relaciones posibles entre Semiótica y Teoría de la Comunicación: una propuesta de integración teórica The histories of semiotics: foundations and continuities Spanish Accepted
Relações simbólicas e espaço geográfico: a relevância dos souvenirs da Casa do Rio Vermelho Semiotics and design, Semiotics and architecture Portuguese Accepted
Religious tourism – the business based travel to the signs of spirituality Semiotics and Sociology English Accepted
Renominación y disputa por el sentido en el discurso político The analysis of discourse as an interpretative practice, Semiotics of doxological discourses (political, religious, journalistic) Spanish Accepted
Reorientando la música: un abordaje peirceano de la performance musical Semiotics of performativity Spanish Accepted
Repetición o Semiosis: he aquí el dilema Semiotics and Psychoanalysis Spanish Accepted
Representación de la violencia familiar en el discurso paródico de youtubers colombianos The semiotics of the stage and the staging, Semiotics of visual, sound and audiovisual languages Spanish Accepted
Representación del imaginario cultural en el reality show gastronómico Semiotics of visual, sound and audiovisual languages Spanish Accepted
Representaciones de la conmemoración del 24 de marzo de 1976. Un análisis de producciones de diseño gráfico realizadas por la Secretaría de Derechos Humanos de la Nación Argentina (2007-2018) Semiotics and design, Semiotics of visual, sound and audiovisual languages Spanish Accepted
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