
Displaying 661 - 680 of 711
Session Theme And Axes Languague Status
An essay on the understanding of the semiotic-cultural notion of «space» Semiotics of spatiality (geographies, territories, borders) Portuguese Accepted
An Analysis of Engagement Resources in the Sino-American News Reports on the Belt and Road Initiative The analysis of discourse as an interpretative practice English Accepted
ALIQUID PRO ALIQUO: ASOCIACIÓN, REPRESENTACIÓN Y SIGNIFICACIÓN The histories of semiotics: foundations and continuities, Semiotics and philosophy Spanish Accepted
Algunas observaciones semióticas sobre el giro lingüístico en la historia intelectual Semiotics and history, Semiotics of scientific discourses Spanish Accepted
Alfabetización semiótica en la Universidad: devenires de la enseñanza de la Semiótica de las carreras de Letras de la Facultad de Humanidades de la UNNE Semiotics and cognitive sciences Spanish Accepted
Adverfilms y fenómenos de retoma: una aproximación sociosemiótica a la discursividad publicitaria en plataformas interactivas. Semiotics of visual, sound and audiovisual languages Spanish Accepted
Ação coletiva e geração de sentido: um estudo sobre o cooperativismo e a filantropia como arranjos institucionais favoráveis à gestão dos bens comuns The articulations and confrontations between semiotic perspectives and research in communication, Semiotics of scientific discourses Portuguese Accepted
Abduction as a Reading Strategy in Narratives Semiotics and narratives studies English Accepted
A transmídia como semiosfera para a construção estética Semiotics of visual, sound and audiovisual languages, Transpositions and transmedia phenomena Portuguese Accepted
A transfiguração da política brasileira nas charges via semiótica peirceana: o ocaso de Dilma Rousseff (2015 a 2016) Semiotics of doxological discourses (political, religious, journalistic), Semiotics of visual, sound and audiovisual languages Portuguese Accepted
A Territorialidade em Frida Kahlo Arts semiotics: times and territories Portuguese Accepted
A semiotic perspective on language functions Foundation and logical fundaments of semiotics, The articulations and confrontations between semiotic perspectives and research in communication English Accepted
A semiotic path through the concept of trajectory in Latour’s theory Semiotics and Sociology, Semiotics of doxological discourses (political, religious, journalistic) English Accepted
A semiotic approach to data mining on social media Semiotics of doxological discourses (political, religious, journalistic), Semiotics of mediatizations English Accepted
A RELAÇÃO DO OBSERVADOR COM AS IMAGENS DO FOTOJORNALISMO NA REDE SOCIAL TWITTER Semiotics of doxological discourses (political, religious, journalistic), Semiotics of mediatizations Portuguese Accepted
A pursuit of Averroes and Avicenna’s contributions to the study of some signs and their meanings. Semiotics and history English Accepted
A perspectiva semiótica no estudo das representações de perfis profissionais em redes digitais usadas por brasileiros Semiotics and narratives studies, The articulations and confrontations between semiotic perspectives and research in communication Portuguese Accepted
A passagem do verbal ao não-verbal como objeto de ensino na Educação Básica Brasileira The passages and interactions between verbal and non-verbal semiotics Portuguese Accepted
A Narrative as Pharmakon: The meaning of “poisoning” in a traditional Japanese tale: Shindokumaru(“a boy with poisoned body”) Semiotics and narratives studies, Arts semiotics: times and territories English Accepted
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